How Does This Affect Me?

What do terrorists use the Internet for?

Terrorist organisations use the internet for a number of reasons, some very similar to that which you and me utilise the technology for. This can include: communicating, fundraising, information gathering, and publicity. It is debatable whether or not these activities can be considered cyberterrorism as the definition page illustrated. Despite this, many people worry that the possibility of cyberterrorism can infringe their privacy rights and inhibit their ability to lead a normal, daily life in the UK.

What does the UK government say?

In the National Security Strategy (2011) cyber-attacks are presented as a Tier One concern.  However, cyber-terrorism is never explicitly referenced.  Despite of this, an array of cyber-attacks are discussed which include hostile attacks upon UK cyber-space by state and non-state actors.  The government state that attacks in cyberspace can have a potentially devastating real-world effect.  They claim that the government, the private sector and citizens are under sustained cyber-attack today, from both hostile states and criminals. They propose the development of a transformative programme for cyber-security, which addresses threats from states, criminals and terrorists; and seizes the opportunities which cyber space provides for future prosperity and for advancing UK security interests.

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